
Name of the FLD

Treatment Location Progress 

Front Line Demonstrations   


Crop Production   


Demonstration of NLR-3354 rice variety in YSR district

T1: Farmer’s variety JGL-384/NDLR 7

T2:  NLR-3354 
05 Crop is at Nursery stage


Demonstration of Bengal gram variety NBeG776

T1: Farmer’s variety:  JG 11 variety

T2 : Bengal gram variety NBeG776


Will be initiated in Rabi 


Demonstration of Ragi variety Indravati

T1: FP: Old varieties (Vakula)

T2: Demo: New variety – Indravati variety


Will be initiated in Rabi


Demonstration of application of Potash and ZnSO4 in Red gram

T1:Farmer’s practice: RDF (20-50-0 Kg N:P2O5:K2O) only

T2:Demo: Application of potash (60 kg/ha) and  ZnSO4 (25 kg/ha) along with RDF (20-50 KgN:P2O5)
05 Input distribution was completed


Demonstration of application of Potash in Korra

T1:Farmer’s practice: Application of 2-3 bags of DAP/other complex fertilizers per ha

T2:Demo: Application of Potash@ 20 kg/ha along with RDF (40-20-0 N:P2O5 Kg/ha)
05  Will be initiated in Rabi

Plant Protection   


Demonstration of Integrated management practices for the control of fall army worm in Maize


  • Seed treatment Fortenza duo (Cyantraniliprole + Thiamethoxam) @ 6 ml/kg
  • Erection of pheromone traps @ 10 per ha
  • Bt spray @ 2 ml/lt (15 to 21 DAS)
  • NSKE @5%, at  20 days
  • Poison Baiting using Rice bran 25 kg + jaggery 2.5kg   + 1L water + Thiodicarb 75WP @ 250g/ha at 35 DAS
  • Spinetorom 45 SC @ 0.5ml/L at 50 DAS

 Farmers Method: 

  • Emamectin benzoate @ 0.4 g/L at 21 DAS
  • Lamdacyhalothrin @ 1 ml/L  at 27 DAS
  • Thiodicarb @ 1.5 g/L at 41 DAS
  • Chlorantraniliprole @ 0.3 ml/L at 56 DAS
  • Barazide @ 2 ml/L (Novaluron 5.25% + Emamectin benzoate 0.9% SC) at 67 DAS

To be initiated


Demonstration of spraying of chemicals with the drones

 T1: Spraying of plant protection chemicals with the drone

Farmers Method:spraying with power sprayer/knap sack sprayer

 05 To be initiated


Demonstration of Improved practices for the management of SMD in Redgram (On farm Demonstration)


  • Subsoiling  before sowing for every 2m  and conservation furrow for every 3.6 m.
  • Application of potash (60 kg/ha) and  ZnSO4 (25 kg/ha) along with RDF (20-50 Kg N:P2O5)
  • Use of resistant variety LRG-105 , Roughing of infected plants upto 40 DAS, Spraying with Dicofol @ 5ml/L at 30-35 DAS and Propargite @  2ml/L

Farmers Method:

Spraying of Imidacloprid @ 0.4ml/L

05 Trial initiated. Sub soiling was done with sub soiler, seed treatment with Trichoderma asperillum @ 10g/kg seed followed by sowing was done


Demonstration  of Integrated management practices for the management of rust disease in bengal gram

T1: Demo: Spraying of Trifloxistrobin 50% + Tebuconazole 25% @ 0.8 G/L

Farmers Practice: Hexaconazole @ 2ml/L

To be initiated 


Demonstration of Integrated management practices for the management of viral diseases in black gram

T1: Demo :YMV tolerant seed TBG104/GBG 1, Seed treatment with Imidacloprid 600FS @ 5ml/kg, 4 rows of Jowar/maize as border crop, removal of virus infected plants, installation of yellow sticky traps @ 50/ha, blue sticky traps @50/ha spraying of spinoteram @ 0.9 ml/L at 25 and 45 DAS 

T2:Farmers Practice: LBG-752, Acetamiprid 0.2g/L, Fipronil 2ml/L, Diafenthiuron@ 1.25g/L

05 To be initiated 



Demonstration of betelvine variety swarnakapoori in YSR Dist

T1 –Swarna Kapoori

T2 –Kapoori Type

Trial is yet to be initiated


Demonstration of Tomato Hybrid Arka Abhed in YSR Dist

T1 – Tomato var. Arka Abhed

FP: Private Hybrids (PHS-448)
05 Trial is yet to be initiated


Demonstration of integrated management of black thrips in chili

T1 – IPM practices for management of black thrips in chilli

Seed treatment with Imidacloprid 70 WS @ 10g/kg. Border cropping with 2-3 rows of sorghum. Sunflower as trap crop. Nipping and destruction of infested top/apical shoots, Blue and white sticky traps @ 75 per ha immediately after transplanting, Neem cake @500kg per ha in two split doses i.e. at the time of planting and 30DAP, Spraying of Neem oil 10000 ppm @2ml/lit. Spraying of Beauveria bassiana@ 5g and Lecanicilliumlecanii@5g/liter of water. Spraying of spinetoram @ 0.8ml/lit of water

FP: Spraying of pesticides (Spinetoram or Fipronil or Spinosad)
05 This is a 2022-23 trial. Crop is at harvesting stage. Observations are being recorded. Trial is under progress


Demonstration of INM Practices in Sweet orange

T1 INM Practices in sweet orange

Application of 75% RDF (FYM 30 kg, Neem Cake 6 kg, Urea 1238 g, SSP1687 g, Potash 563 g) + AM (500 g/plant) + PSB (100 g/plant) + Azospirillum (100 g/plant) + Trichoderma harzianum (100 g/plant).

Farmers practice: application of chemical fertilizers only


         Trial is yet to be initiated


Home Science   


Demonstrations on Moringa based millet biscuits

T1 : Millet + Moringa biscuits (ANGRAU)

T2: Millet biscuits (TNAU)
10  Identified beneficiaries


Demonstration of weaning foods


T2- Farmer method
10  Organized at Alankhanipalli SC Colony for 15 women 


Demonstrations on NutriGarden at Governament school Hostels

T1 :Nutri Garden (ANGRAU)

T2: Local methods
10 Working with DEO of Kadapa District

Animal Husbandry   


Demonstration of effect of supplementation of concentrates to pregnant ewes and creep feeding on mortality and growth rate in pre weaned lambs

Creep feeding in lambs and concentrate supplementation of pregnant ewes 10  To be initiated


Demonstration of Aseel poultry breed at backyard

Vanashree poultry 10  To be initiated


Demonstration of Supplementation of bypass fat in feed of buffaloes

Supplementation of By-pass fat 10  To be initiated


Demonstration of 10 cent model fodder plotat KVK Fodder demo unit

Allocating the area under fodder production in small farm holdings – 10 cents area with grasses, cereals, legumes and tree fodders. Planting High biomass yielding grass fodders like Super Napier grass variety 04 cents area. Cereals like maize or sorghum each in 03 cents area. Annual legumes like cowpea/ hedge lucerne in 03 cents area. Bordering the 10 cents area with tree fodders like subabul, glyricidia, moringa. Tree fodders provide feed for animals during lean periods. Able to meet the fodder requirement of dairy animals in small holdings throughout the year and maintain a good yield of 2400-3000lt/lactation with a fat percentage of above 4 and SNF – 8% 05  To be initiated


Effect of supplementation of Regional Specific mineral mixture on productive and reproductive performance of milch animals.

T1- Feeding of regional specific mineral mixture @80g/day.+ Farmers Practice

T2- Farmers practice (Grazing+Grain feeding)
10   To be initiated


Demonstration of diagnosis and Management of sub-clinical mastitis in buffaloes with SFMT reagent

T1: SFMT reagent and pre and post dip methods

SVVU, 2019

T2: Method demonstration of SFMT reagent, pre and post dip solutions, if found positive following treatment protocols

T3:After onset of clinical symptoms


03  To be initiated

SMS (Agromet) DAMU Project

24 Demonstration of weather advisory based Red gram cultivation 

T1:Farmer’s practice: Cultivation of crop without taking weather advisories

T2:Demo: Production and protection measures will be taken on the basis of  weather based advisories
10 Seed distributed and sowings are in progress
25 Demonstration of weather advisory based groundnut cultivation 

T1:Farmer’s practice: Cultivation of crop without taking weather advisories

T2:Demo: Production and protection measures will be taken on the basis of  weather based advisories
10 Seed distributed and sowings are in progress

Extension Studies   


Perception of the farmers towards Millets cultivation in YSR districtof Andhra Pradesh


90 Farmers

Development of interview schedule is under progress


A study on Impact of technological interventions of KVK inYSR district of Andhra Pradesh


80 Farmers

Development of interview schedule is under progress


A Study on Constraint analysis of the RythuBharosa Kendra Services at Farmers level and VAA/VHA/VSA Level inYSR district of Andhra Pradesh


30 RBK staff and 

60 Farmers
Development of interview schedule is under progress


Impact of Agromet Advisory Services of DAMU Project in YSR District of Andhra Pradesh


60 Farmers

Development of interview schedule is under progress